Gym Rules
Management reserves the right to suspend or revoke the membership of anyone who violates the rules. We reserve the right to alter and/or add to the gym rules in order to maintain the best possible exercise environment.
Building Entry
1. You must scan with your access fob upon every visit, even if the door is open; this is solely for the use of yourself. It may not be passed to anyone else.
2. Members are not permitted to bring a guest for free. If you have someone that wishes to join you, please have them purchase a day pass through the Book Now button on our website or Facebook page. Remember- there are cameras on you at all times and we review them daily. If you are caught letting someone in, we reserve the right to revoke your membership.
3. If someone needs in please direct them to the Inner Circle text number posted on the board in the lobby. It is not your responsibility to let someone in. We will communicate with them and send them a pass to get in. Do not open the door for anyone except law enforcement.
4. For safety reasons no casual observers or children under the age of 13 without a gym membership are allowed in the facility unless they are of the minimum age requirement and are paying and participating for a class.
5. All children between the ages of 13-16 with a membership must be accompanied by an adult with a valid membership while using the facility.
Membership Fob
1. There is a $10.00 fee to replace a lost or damaged fob.
2. Members may not loan the membership fob to anyone.
3. If your fob is not working please text 440-261-4275 and we can work on fixing the issue. You are not permitted to use the facility until your membership is active again.
4. FOR CANCELLATION: You must cancel BEFORE your payment is processed. Refunds will not be issued if you request cancellation after the payment has processed. If you have a specific date you wish to cancel, you must include that when you request your cancellation. To cancel, text 440-261-4275.
Lockers and Belongings
1. Gym bags and any other belongings are to be stored in a locker and are not permitted on the exercise floor.
2. Lockers are provided on a per visit basis only and belongings are not to be kept overnight.
3. Please do not bring valuables to the gym. We are not held responsible for missing or damaged items.
Dress Code
1. Members must be properly attired in freshly laundered workout clothing while in exercise areas.
2. No clothing which contains rivets, hooks, studs, or zippers (i.e., jeans) will be permitted in the exercise areas.
3. Shirts must be worn at all times.
4. Closed toe, athletic shoes must be worn at all times. Flip flops, sandals, aqua shoes, bare or stocking feet are unacceptable on the workout floor.
5. Please do not wear dirty or wet shoes (“outside” shoes) into the workout area. Please bring a change of shoes.
Gym Facility and Equipment
1. Please refrain from loud or abusive language.
2. All weight equipment should be handled in a responsible manner. Please refrain from slamming or dropping weights.
3. Do not move equipment.
4. Horseplay will not be tolerated at any time.
5. Members shall not act as a trainer for any other members. Only trainers under contract with Inner Circle are permitted to train.
6. Good personal hygiene is a must.
7. Please refrain from chewing gum or eating during your workout.
8. Return all weight plates, dumbbells, and all other equipment to their designated locations. Do not leave dumbbells on the floor or weight plates on the bar.
9. Alcohol, smoking, or drugs are not allowed on the premises.
10. No personal notices, advertising or other literature, either posted or distributed is allowed without the permission of management.
11. Adjustments to the radio, heat, air conditioning, fans, and other equipment will be made by staff only.
12. Trash should be disposed of in the proper receptacles.
13. Wipe down equipment after use.
14. Members are not permitted to connect to the gym's Bluetooth. This is for staff use only. If you wish to listen to your music, please bring headphones.